Holistic Health: What is it and Why is it Important?
Imagine feeling empowered, healthier, and mentally clear. Feeling a sense of wholeness... it's possible! Let me share with you how, naturally.
Make the life changing decision to avoid poor health brought on to us by the toxins and pollutants running wild in our modern world. How? Simple. By living a natural lifestyle. Now you're thinking, am I going to have to drink green juices and lift weights everyday? The answer will shock you...
It's not as hard as you think! Holistic health practices include eating organic foods, avoiding and cleansing internal and external toxins, physical exercise and balance, stress reduction, healthy social relationships and boosting your wellbeing.
Why is it Important?
Healing is always the goal but the path should be beneficial, natural as possible, and avoid harm by any means necessary. These principles come last in modern medicine but first in holistic health and that's why team natural all the way.
Holistic health is the combination of nature, science, and philosophy to diagnose, treat and prevent illness through the use of herbal and self-healing remedies to treat ailments and conditions of the body, mind, and soul as well as environmental qualities of everyday living.
Core principles and natural methods are used to tailor a solution individual to you. How? The natural health model consists of research and assessment to identify the root cause of disease safely, creating a balanced plan based on particular needs (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional), treat with natural healing practices such as ancient plant medicines what modern medicines first derived from, and focus on healing whole-person systems for long lasting prevention.
Practices used are consistent with important principles and are carefully and strategically chosen based on the individual. The following principles are the foundation of Holistic health:
1. Healing Power of Nature
The healing power of nature refers to the built in, self powered, healing processes of living systems that creates, maintains and restores good health. Our earth provides us with everything we need and more. Yet, we disrespect this beautiful planet. Modern medicine production and modern living damages wildlife by cutting down forests, polluting rivers, and spreading invasive species, and burning fossil fuels which ultimately alters the chemistry of the atmosphere over time.
But don’t be fooled! Nature is powerful and not as weak as you think. See, nature acts on a scale that outweighs most human processes. The Earth’s powerful environmental system is an example - we all remember the Hiroshima bomb that damaged life in Japan, drastically changing environmental history. After the nuclear blast, the very resilient and ancient tree the Ginkgo Biloba, lost all its' leaves appearing to be dead. However in time, those very trees aid. themselves by getting nutrients and water from their roots deep within the Earth. You see, the ecosystem is powerfully connected to provide life to all its' inhabitants by works of pure nature needing no artificial help. The Ginkgo Biloba are natural monuments for Hiroshima today and even have special plates on them to honor the healing power of nature!
Ginkgo Biloba plant: makes powerful medicine that can improve mental function, treating anxiety, dementia, leg pain caused by blood circulation problems, premenstrual symptoms, vision problems caused by glaucoma or diabetes, dizziness, or a movement disorder caused by taking certain antipsychotic drugs. And that’s just one plant.
Our man made systems don’t really compare to the planets’ abundant nature. Nature works slowly over time, to create the most fundamental and beneficial systems on the planet. Because many of these systems operate in the background, we often see nature as passive or a hidden mystery. Natural medicine incorporates the power of nature and the uses of natural processes to heal individuals needs’ by identifying and removing obstacles to health and recovery. Followed by continued support for the creation of a healthy internal and external environment for long lasting results. Just like those resilient Ginkgo trees.
Identify and Treat Root Causes
Illness does not occur without cause. Causes may originate in many areas. Underlying causes of illness and disease must be identified and removed before complete recovery can occur. Symptoms can be expressions of the body’s attempt to defend itself, to adapt and recover, to heal itself, or may be results of the causes of disease.
A common symptom is pain right? It's important to understand the origins and mechanisms involved to best treat or maintain. Pain is the process of uncomfortable sensations caused by damaging stimuli. Merely suppressing pain without said understanding, without taking correct action to remove causes, is a recipe for chronicity.
A sharp pain is a caution sign not to move the area due to a tear, a break or a process of degeneration. A massage would be recommended to reduce anxiety and inflammation by targeted blood flow that will allow healing rather than prescribing a pain killer and sending you off with your day moving said injury because it simply is numb. Natural medicine seeks to treat the causes of disease to truly heal rather than to deal with just the surface symptoms.
Do No Harm
The amazing part of naturopathy is the use of medicinal practices that minimize the risk of harmful effects and do the least possible damage needed to diagnose illness and restore health. Any practice that suppresses or stops natural healing processes is seen as harmful and won’t be used unless it's a matter of life or death. Holistic healing services are often passive, relaxing, and very restorative. Whenever you have a massage scheduled, or a guided meditation session, don’t you look forward to it? You feel a sense of calm, empowerment, and joy as you’re getting your needs taken care of in your best interest. You’re seen as an individual who needs help healing a disease. Naturopathy vs Allopathy: an individual with a disability vs a disabled person. Don’t be seen as just another statistic, case subject, or cash cow as the pharmaceutical world sees you. Take your power back into your own hands.
The original meaning of doctor was teacher. But think back, do your physicians focus on teaching you the importance of health and wellness? Or are the pharmaceutical meds and why you can’t forget to take them become the main focus of the session? No shade.
Natural health through a holistic approach will help you learn the complex systems of the body and the brilliant ways natural practices connect and heal inside and out. The wellness communities and health world are more and more highlighting that natural medicine is the key to saving us all. Why do you see everyone and their moms drinking Irish moss these days? It’s full of Vitamins A, E, F and K, calcium, potassium, and sulfur. It is also a naturally occurring source of iodine and alkaline. Best for combatting nasty diseases like COV19. Stay connected for even more hidden gems on natural heals.
Treat the Individual as a Whole
Physical, environmental, emotional, genetic, mental, social and other factors all interconnect to cause disease in an individual. Since total health also includes spiritualhealth so we always inspire personal spiritual development here. Naturopathic medicine recognizes the harmonious functioning of all parts of the individual as being essential to health.
Psychosocial influences – including depression, anxiety traits, poor stress coping abilities, loneliness, fear, consequences of childhood abuse, etc.
Biochemical influences – including acquired or self generated toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, infectious, endocrine, allergic and other factors.
Biomechanical influences – including structural, postural or traumatically induced characteristics or functionally induced changes.
The prevention of disease is a vital principle in going natural. Diseases are around us all the time.
Some toxins are:
This can be accomplished through education and the promotion of eating organically, avoiding and cleansing internal and external toxins, physical exercise and balance, stress reduction, and healthy social relationships. A powerful but underrated way to prevent disease is by regular cleansing and keeping your stress low. How? Meditation and breathwork! Biohacker and Primal Health Coach Charlene Gisele shares: “Breathwork can be a form of preventative medicine because breathing is directly related to lymph flow, and lymph flow is directly related to immunity. The immune system being our protection mechanism defending us against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.”
Tip: If you meditate and do deep breathing at least 20 minutes a day to improve general brain and health functions.
All diseases live in an acidic environment. Did you know meats, processed foods, and starch create an acidic environment? You can reverse this, by balancing the body by cleansing toxins and mucus from key health organs such as the skin, liver, gallbladder, lymph glands, kidneys, and the colon. Importantly, if any organ is left without being cleaned, the toxins that are cleansed from other organs can get recycled through the body into the unhealthy organs and continue manifesting disease in those areas. Most importantly, the colon is at the core of the body's nutritional system, and its balance feeds into all other organs. It is essential to cleanse the colon first and ensure it is free of toxicity before any disease in other parts of the body can be reversed.
Tip: Eat well and prevent most diseases!
Natural Healing Practices
Oh yes! The best part of going natural are the exceptional holistic services and products readily available for you to use daily, monthly, or annually.
Manual therapy
Ayurveda (Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge) a natural system of medicine, originated in India +3,000 years ago).
Regular exercise/Yoga
Regular sleep
Plant medicines in various forms: herbal teas, body care products, supplements, salves, steams, ointments, poultices, tinctures, oil
Whole organic foods/well-balanced diet
Breathwork techniques
Relaxation services
Mental and emotional healing
Heat and cold therapy
In fact, here at Wellness Empowering we offer a number of these services!
Samya Aden, founder and trainer swears by daily lemon ginger shots, plant based meals, exercising, spending time outdoors, and keeping the spirit cleansed really makes a powerful difference. Keeping yourself healthy is an empowering responsibility. To be conscious of what comes in and out of your body is the best way to live for a healthy mind, body, and soul!
The Benefits
See the amazing benefits of natural healing yet? Well let me highlight them again!
Be treated as an individual, needs met while receiving personal care
Have optimal physical, emotional, and mental health
No harm principle protects your best interests
Many creative and effective natural products for you to use
Honor the beauty of nature
Easy to incorporate in your life routine
Love your body inside and out
Long lasting results due to treating root causes principle
Unlock your hidden potentials and live your ideal life
Holistic health will bring you along the journey of gently healing the mind, body, and spirit to bring a sense of wholeness in life. As pharmaceutical companies continue ramping up production, ruining natural resources, and spreading toxins and pollutants - the importance of natural lifestyles and holistic health is important now more than ever. Each and every one of us has the power to heal. Question is, are you open to receiving and stepping into that ability?
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